Scholarships and Awards:
- Brain Travel Grant, Guarantors of Brain, 2010, UK
- Travel grant from the Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences, 2010, UK
- Brain Travel Grant, Guarantors of Brain, 2009, UK
- Bursary for the BAP Summer Meeting, 2009, UK
- Travel grant from the Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences, 2009, UK
- The University of Edinburgh Overseas Research Scholarship (The ORSAS Award), Edinburgh, 2009, UK - £20,000
- Bursary for BNA 2009 (provided by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation), 2009, UK
- Travel scholarship from the Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences, 2008, UK
- A Medical Research Council Award (to support the SINAPSE funding), 2008, UK
- Tony Watson Scholarship (to support the SINAPSE funding), 2008, UK
- SINAPSE Award, 2008, UK - £36,000
- The University of Edinburgh International Master's Scholarships, 2007, UK - £3,000
- First Place Award for research into the effects of the unconsciousness on the regression of pathological processes at the Novosibirsk Inter-university Scientific Student's Conference ‘Intellectual potential of Siberia’, 2000, Russia
- Nomination for an award from the Russian Academy of Science for young researchers and university students for research into the effects of the unconsciousness on the regression of pathological processes, 1999, Russia
- First Place Award for ‘The research of the structure of the human psyche with help of trance conditions’ at the 60st final Scientific Conference of the Students and Young Scientists, 1999, Russia
- Second Place Award for research of the unconsciousness at the International Scientific Student's Conference ‘The Student and Scientific and Technical Progress’, 1999, Russia